Inspirational words in this text

“I acknowledge that sex is not only a physical act but a spiritual act as well. Therefore I will save my mind, body, and spirit for my future mate.” – From My Commitment to GOD

Today is my one month anniversary! renewing my commitment to
~to myself,
~to my family
~my friends
~and to my future mate.

My commitment to them all to stay pure with my renewed abstinence.

One month ago, I attended two classes that were held in my church* for my age group. Addressing what does “True Love Waits” mean……and how can one be able to protect their purity; your pure virginity or renewed abstinence.

I have renewed my abstinence and if you surveyed and asked me if my first time was worth it. I would of said

“if I could go back in time, I would have never lost my virginity the way I did.”

But today, I do not sit in regret…today I sit with acceptance for what I’ve done and evermore inspired to save myself; not for my next “boyfriend” but for the next man who will respect my abstinence; a man who is in search a woman he will wholeheartedly commit to a monogamously loving relationship; which will last a ~lifetime~.

It IS possible.

There is so much in this world today that makes it hard to believe it; hard to believe that a marriage can last; News of divorce is no longer few and far between but I believe wholeheartedly as long as I keep my steps aligned with GOD and HIS Timing it is possible to have a marriage that will last a ~lifetime~.

I understand that I must not sit and wait for him to come me but that I must step out into the world putting into action all the good GOD wants me to do and in turn my Adam (the man that God is working on for me) will cross paths with me when he as well is putting into action all the good GOD wants him to do.

I need to pause for a moment……………………….

Wow……..The Day will come.

It is coming each second that goes by!

Here is my monthly commitment. ~I am so grateful for my church!~

A commitment I speak with all of my heart each month and in which I take to action each day…

Believing that true love waits, I make
~~A commitment to GOD~~
myself, my family, my friends,
my future mate, to a lifetime of purity
including sexual abstinence from this
day until the day I enter a biblical
marriage relationship.

I acknowledge that my body is a
temple of the Holy Spirit, and I will
protect and guard this temple and will
present my body as a living sacrifice
to God. I acknowledge that sex is not
only a physical act but a spiritual act
as well. Therefore I will save my mind,
body, and spirit
for my future mate.
I was worth dying for; therefore
~I am worth waiting for~

~ You are worth dying for ~
Jesus loved us much that he died for our sins.

~ You are worth waiting for ~
And such a great sacrifice deserves our gratitude and honor for what he has done for us.

~You are worth waiting for~

This prayer is for you as well ❤

~~Many blessings~~

*Here is a link to my church: Jubilee