Category: Uncategorized

I was always puzzled with how my fellow bloggers were able to link their Facebook page on the right side of their blog in order for new fans to follow.

Like do I have to upgrade my membership in order to have the ability to do so???

Well I am glad that’s not the case! It’s so easy!

You can go about it in two ways!

Here is one way 🙂

You can get widgets by clicking on your closest link to Dashboard and if your “Right Now” box is still located at the top left of your dashboard just look for the theme of your page and the number of widgets you have which is below tthe Content which explains the # of your posts, # of pages, # of categories, and # of your tags.

So what your looking for is your specific theme and # of widgets. For example mine is:

Theme Motion with 7 Widgets

Click on the number of Widgets you have and follow the directions provided under Available Widgets

Drag available widgets that are listed on the left side of the page to the sidebar on the right side of the page.

This will activate the available widget so that others can see them too! Click on the dropbox arrow (the arrow that points down next to the widget name) to customize it accordingly.

And you can drag  widgets on the right side to the left  if you wish to deactivate them so that it no longer appears on your page.    

Take note that if you wish to keep the settings you made on the widget that you wish to remove at this time. You must drag it all the way to the bottom of the page in the box that will help save the settings for you.

Scroll all the way down to get to know your options 🙂

Pay attention to where you drag your widgets!

If you wish to attach an image of your blog award or link your blog’s facebook page so that it is visible for everyone to see.. you’d want to be careful not to place the widget under these categories:

Footer Left

Footer Middle

Footer Right


If you place a blog award image or Facebook box in Footers, you will have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to actually see it!

The widget name to add facebook on the right is Facebook Like Box
And the widget name to add a blog award on the right is simply Image
– Customize your widget by clicking on the dropbox arrow that is pointing down on the right side of the widget’s name.
– If you want to place your blog award image on the top right, middle right or bottom right of widgets you have on your page. All you have to do is drag it above or below the number of widgets you have listed under your Sidebar.
The second way to get to Widgets is when you have the Dashboard menu fully extended.
Click on Appearance which is under Ratings or above Users, Tools and Settings and then just click on Widgets.
Easy Peasy!
Hope this helps!
Have fun! 😀

It will be six years since I graduated from College

SIX years
2192 days (including leap years)
131,520 hours of scattered living
7,891,200 mins emotionally rollarcoasting through
tears, laughter, anger, joy, frustration, new-found trust, lost trust, love, pain, forgiving, grudging, hating, denying, shame, bliss…

EIGHT million minutes which included sleeping some of the negative away, sleeping some of the positive away, allowing the negative to determine my next steps, allowing the positive to determine my next steps.

Scattered Living.

Six Years has gone by and if I can name my six years of life in the Real World in one word. It would be


Inconsistent Physically
Inconsistent Mentally
Inconsistent Spiritually
Inconsistent Financially
Inconsistent Relationally
Inconsistent Socially

I’ve desperately needed Change in every single category. And I have experienced change many a time. Negative Change and a Positive Change.
The only problem was and is – Consistency.
A happy ending in each one.
It has yet to be achieved……..CONSISTENTLY.

It’s time to practice Positive Change that will lead to Positive Growth.
To Live a Better Life Consistently.Image