Category: Mental Well-Being

~ Inspired Thought of the Day ~

~ Inspired Action ~

I am so amazed by these words. These words of inspiration are what I live for! I am so so grateful!

The old me used to believe you either have courage or you don’t! Now my eyes are wide open and inspired by the thought that courage is just like a muscle! Your courage/muscle may be weak now but with consistent practice and use it can be strengthened! And so I shall!

 Amazing perspective especially now that I am studying health and fitness. This message has clicked into place deep down inside of me and I am so happy and empowered to strengthened the little courage I have bit by bit!

And I am even more in a state of appreciation and empowerment by Oprah’s words below.

I have always been so quick to give up. Fear has always overpowered me when I was younger and I did not understand that there was a way to build it little by little. How I wish I had someone to say to me that Courage is feeling the fear and doing it anyway. How I wish to believe I would of taken action more because of these wise words. I am grateful to have read these words now and understand them. I am grateful to feel more prepared to act even with fear knowing that doing it anyway is an act of courage.

Now I will push forward understanding that my life will expand in proportion to my courage. Because indeed my life is in a place where I believe it has shrunk and it is limited because of the fear that I’ve allowed to take over me. So much of what I envision is only possible when I act with courage! And so I will nurture this muscle of courage use by use so that it is strengthened.

~I pray you are empowered as well~

~ Today’s Inspired Thought ~


I am so so afraid of standing still. I am so afraid of finding myself in the same unsatisfied and unaccomplished place that I feel I am in right now. I don’t want to be in this place next year!


“Be not afraid of moving slowly; be afraid of standing still.” is a lifesaver. There are days where I would lose motivation and find myself at a “plateau”. These words have helped empower me to continue moving forward at my own pace. Although my pace is slow due to inconvenient circumstances; each day that I push forward only pushes me one day closer to my goal and so I refuse to stand still.


When you don’t hear those words above enough one tends to forget such common sense. The more I see those words, the more the meaning starts to sink in and turns from inspired thought to inspired action.

Reading that success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out has given me so much RELIEF! I feel better to think that I am on the right track moving at the pace that I am in. I do feel that I need to pick up the pace though because my level of urgency has diminished a bit due to emotional adversity. Coming to better understand that the small steps that I am taking will sum up to the success I wish to reach has fueled my passion to achieve!


I’ve come to realize with such clearer understanding that mistakes are not meant to make you feel inadequate and unworthy of success.

Mistakes are not opportunities for you to quit.

Mistakes are opportunities for growth and improvement.

In the past, when I made a mistake I would be so quick to respond with harsh words to myself. I didn’t need anyone to discourage me because I was my own worst critic! I got in the way of my own success with such a negative and uninspiring attitude.

It’s time to let go of the thoughts that do not make me strong.

With practice all of these inspiring words will become normal thoughts and normal actions. This is what I aspire to achieve.

~ Today’s Inspired Thought ~

With one life to live and that one life to enjoy, can you truly afford to fulfill another person’s dream instead of your own?

Especially if that profession is not part of your passion?

If the profession you have been hired into is not part of your passion, you cannot afford to sacrifice your dream for another’s.

When I speak of affordability, I don’t speak of it financially. I speak of it mentally and spiritually.

We cannot mentally and spiritually afford the growth of regret and the feeling of failure that most likely will hit us when we grow old enough to start looking back and wishing that we could of lived our life a whole lot differently.

Think of all the time and energy you have invested in your job so far that has yet to fulfill what you truly desire but it has helped fulfill the desires of your boss or CEO. (More than one vacation, personal luxuries and financial freedom.)

If you desire the reward of more than one well deserved vacation, unlimited personal luxuries and financial freedom do all you can to start off slowly and work your way up to momentum.

I am so grateful for these motivational words:

“It doesn’t matter how slow you go, as long as you don’t stop.”

If you can’t fulfill your dream Full time, do all you can to at least start fulfilling it part time.

1 hour a day, 3 hours a day or 5 hours a day. At the end of your days you will smile knowing that you did not give in and throughout your lifetime you have fulfilled most if not all that you have set your mind to.

With one life to live, I sincerely hope you achieve All.

~ Here is my sincerest wish for you: ~

~ Today’s Inspired Thought ~

~Inspired Action ~

How I appreciate such wise words. My mind is awake to the thoughts of how I have allowed myself to become my own obstacle in so many ways than one. I can’t control a flat tire. I can’t control the job market. I can’t control the rain. I can’t control who lies to me. But there have been plenty of obstacles that I could of prevented from coming my way.

Now I ask myself “How am you getting in my own way right now?”

I am now fully aware that there are a limitless supply of life obstacles that will come our way, obstacles that we just can’t see coming. So I should not make room for obstacles that I can prevent and control. Obstacles that come from me procrastinating. Obstacles that come from me miscommunicating. Obstacles that come from me being stubborn or careless.

I need to save myself the time and trouble and just stay ready for the ones that are least expected.


~ I hope this message enlightens you as well ~


~Today’s Inspired Thought~

This is the reason why I am getting more comfortable living life as a single woman right now ♥

Because I love myself enough to see that “being single doesn’t mean that [I] know nothing about love. [But that] sometimes, being solo is wiser than being in a false relationship.

For the past 10 years I have placed myself in one false relationship to another. Due to my own false definitions of love. I was so in love with love that I blinded myself from the truth!

Just because he finds you physically attractive and you find him physically attractive does not guarantee that it is love. Just because you talk or text everyday does not guarantee that it is love. 

You “love” the fact that he is attractive and you “love” the fact that you can talk everyday but that doesn’t mean it’s True Love!

 It is the experience that I loved! The experience that he looks better, talks better, and acts better than the last guy or men you’ve dated in the past but that does NOT guarantee that it is True LOVE.

I can’t afford another false relationship anymore. I have cried enough tears and suffered enough from low esteem and doubts of my own abilities. I take full responsible for putting my soul in so much emotional turmoil because I kept choosing Mr. Wrong.  I’ve spent too much time with Mr. Wrong  and hindered possibly many opportunities for me to cross paths with Mr. Right.


~ Inspired Action ~

Thank you God, for the person who has shared both of these wise words today because I needed them today, yesterday and the day before that especially! I have been fighting temptation the past few days. I have visited his facebook page playing tug of war with the thought To write?! or Not to write?! 

These words were God Sent! I am grateful to my facebook friend for sharing both of these quotes! I’ve deleted my ex’s phone number month’s ago and the only thing that is keeping me from writing to him on facebook is considering the fact that he could be Mr. Wrong and if I go back to him I will never find Mr. Right.

And with one life to live, I can’t afford that!

I fully recognize that my desire to write to him is fueled by the disappoinment and regret that our relationship did not work just like the ones before him.  And my heart is sinking right now after writing those words ….just like the ones before him…I hate how I have to add him to my talli of failed relationships!

But once again I can’t afford to never find Mr. Right if I can’t let go of Mr. Wrong!

I have found strength today to continue to learn to live in love with myself and allow Mr. Right to come on God’s Time. I believe that as long as I keep my steps aligned with God and stay aligned to my line of positive purpose we will cross paths. ~♥~ ♥~ It is inevitable ~♥~ ♥~


~May True Love find you when you least expect it. May True Love find you as such a pleasant surprise.~

~ Many Blessings ~



~ Positively Positive! ~

Wise words in this text

“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.” – Corrie Ten Boom

“You can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it.”  – Albert Einstein


“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.” – Corrie Ten Boom

I needed these words 6 months ago and after constant reminder I now have the strength not to feel overwhelmed from worry.

Worries that have stressed and kept me up at night are no longer allowed to fill my mental space; Because I finally understand that

Worrying used to suck my strength away, it sucked my smiles away, it sucked my energy to laugh, it sucked my ability to think clearly, it sucked my self-confidence and so I now I use strength to stop worrying because I value my smile, I love how it feels to laugh, I love the results of clear thoughts and I cannot afford to lose my self-confidence. Strength will push my worries away and so for now on I use my strength to resolve my worries.

“You can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it.”  – Albert Einstein

Use strength as your solution to your worries. You cannot solve a problem with worrying but you can solve a problem with strength. This has been my #inspiredaction.

My strength is knowing that there are always solutions to a problem. And so with faith I focus on finding the solution.

Instead of putting so much energy in crying myself to sleep which only makes me start my day in a bad note which will attract more negative outcomes. Or putting so much energy in stressing out which makes me emotionally eat and gain weight. (nothing good comes out of worrying)

I’ve decided to put more of that energy on positive faith and focus.

Faith that there is always a solution and Focus in finding what that solution is.

How is life like when you are not worrying?

Life is calmer.  Life is tamed. Life is better.

And so my strength, my faith, my focus is to return to those feelings once more.


~ Inspired Thought ~ ~ Inspired Action ~ is now on Facebook!


~ I wish you freedom from your worries and strength towards your solutions ~




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Pay It Forward – Spread the word everywhere to Vote for Obama



I truly believe he works hard not for his benefit but for ours.

I believe he hears our voice and is making the greatest effort to fulfill our requests that will not benefit one American but ALL who are for equal opportunity and equal reward.

His job is tough and I definitely couldn’t do what he is doing. I couldn’t manage 50 states and their demands, I couldn’t manage 50 states and their cries plus manage international affairs as well!

It is a tough job and I admire and am so grateful for his courage and most of all I admire him because he doesn’t do it to make a name for himself, he doesn’t do it for the money, he is doing this job to fulfill our needs.

Our need for equal opportunity to provide for our loved ones NOW and our need for equal reward to sustain our longevity.

We all have ONE life to live and so We all deserve to get paid in equal part to how hard we work.

We do not deserve a government and leadership that will hinder/limit our ability to obtain the success we deserve from our own hard work.

We do not deserve a government and leadership that is for satisfying their ego, that is for making a profit, that is for dominating and not providing common sense solutions for the cries of the middle class and the poor.

Forgive me for this topic of discussion or expression. This subject matter is about the loss of someone’s life. If you are in a good mood, a great mood, a positive  mood, a happy mood today for any great reason I want to sincerely congratulate you for that reason and I care enough to say that it would behoove you not to read any further if you are not interested in reading material that speaks of a negative outcome. I do not want to ruin your mood. I do not wish to rain in your parade.

I created the blog Inspired Thought Inspired Action with the intention to share all the great and positive quotes, phrases, messages that inspires my thoughts and in turn inspires my actions which may in turn inspire you to do the same.

This blog is meant to be a positive environment for my fellow bloggers to visit….(can you feel the “but” coming…)

BUT life is not a “box of chocolates”. Life is of the good and bad. And the good and bad must be discussed to reinforce the beneficial reasons why we should aim to live a life full of good ways and educate ourselves and our loved ones on the negative outcomes if one chooses to do the opposite.

This is the reason why I am about to discuss the topic I watched on the The Dr. Phil Show.

We must learn from the bad in order to maintain reasons why we should always live for good.


Here is a summary of the Dr. Phil Episode I watched this morning

Las Vegas showgirl Deborah Flores-Narvaez was allegedly strangled by her boyfriend, Cirque Du Soleil dancer, Jason Griffith. Authorities claim that after she was killed, Jason and his roommate put Deborah’s body in a tub and poured cement over it. Deborah and Jason had a history of domestic violence claims in their relationship, and now Jason sits in jail charged with her murder. His mother, Charlene, and sister, Samantha, say Jason wouldn’t hurt anyone, and if he did kill Deborah, it must have been in self-defense. Charlene says she believes Deborah was the violent one, and that her son’s video recording of Deborah proves it. Deborah’s mother, Elsie, and sister, Celeste, who believe Jason killed Deborah, meet Jason’s family for the first time on Dr. Phil’s stage. And, Jane Velez-Mitchell, host of her self-titled show on HLN, weighs in on the investigation.

Please take the time to watch clips of the episode to understand my response.


After watching this episode, I was completely in shock spiritually and mentally.

I am completely amazed by how the mother and sister continues to defer from the fact that this man should still be addressed as guilty for either leading the decision or taking part in the decision to cement and dismember his girlfriend with his friend… matter if this situation started as  self defense.

Wow…:Shaking my head:… Self defense can NOT be used as an excuse to take such extreme actions.

My heart hurts for this lost life!

No matter how much there is talk about her being an agressor. No matter how many times you show videos of her provoking him, of her swearing at him or other people!

No one…NO ONE deserves to lose their life in such a cruel and untimely way!

Is the mother and sister’s love for him blinding them from common sense?

Any man and any woman can provoke their boyfriend or girlfriend into a rage. And that boyfriend and girlfriend has a choice…

To yell back or not to yell back…..

To stay put and argue or not to stay put and not to argue….

To walk away or not to walk away….

To put their hands on that person or not put their hands on that person….

To strangle or not to strangle…

He made a choice and a witness confessed that he put his hands on her. And a clear point was made that its takes effort to strangle a person to death. During that time of effort… he could of stopped himself if he allowed common sense to kick in and instead choose to pay a smaller price for his actions rather than the risk of facing life in prison.

I keep hearing self defense..I haven’t heard anything about a knife or a gun at the scene of the crime. What was his reason for self defense if he was not threatened with a gun or knife/weapon?

Dr. Phil made a clear point that Jason was at least 50lbs heavier than her….how can her smacks and hits compare to Jason’s???

A TRUE man will never hit a woman….because he knows that its the **right thing to do.**

He will respect the fact that most men are biological stronger than women and it is not right to take advantage of that……It’s not right to abuse that fact.

But of course it’s not right for anyone to put their hands on anyone! Young, fit or old…. Girl, boy, man or woman…. No one has a right to put their hands on anyone! (parents spanking is another topic of discussion…)

And even if she was doing wrong by hitting him, it is still not right to retaliate by hitting her back.

My heart hurts for Deborah’s sister and mother. I am imagining being in their shoes. I am imagining how frustrating and hurtful it is that the mother and daughter of my sister’s murderer are not responding with a pure sense of empathy for the fact that he took part in cementing and dismembering the body of a human being.

How can someone NOT deserve life in prison for that??!!! Self defense or not!

How can someone NOT deserve life in prison for taking part or leading the decision to cement and dismember the body of human being???!!!

No excuse is ever good enough to act in such a way!

I am completely dumbfounded and saddened. I can never be that mother….. I can never be that sister. No matter how great of a man he was yesterday, last month, last year. A person can change in an instant.. A person can change into someone amazingly better or amazingly digress to someone unpredictable and unrecognizable.

And one must not respond in denial and defend a person’s wrongful ways.



We need to learn from this unfortunate story and practice prevention.

How can stories like this be prevented?

What does it take to prevent a man and woman from ending up in such a toxic relationship?

What will it take to prevent our son and our daughter from growing up into such a toxic relationship and into such a negative outcome?

What will it take to prevent this history from repeating itself?


Today’s Thank You Game challenge is to thank someone who brings beauty into your life. (


I responded by saying on facebook that

I thank my mother and father for giving me life.
My heart continues to beat because they gave birth to me
I still stand because they created and nurtured me to this very moment.
I am 27 years old because I was ONE day old.

I fully acknowledge that I didn’t put myself on this earth… parents, my grandparents, my ancestors and God brought me here. So I now do my best to act with gratitude even when days get rough between us…I do my best to respond with gratitude. ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

Day by day, I have come to realize that I didn’t put myself on this earth…I didn’t give birth to myself and so I have been blessed with life, I was given the gift of life and that is a priceless gift. A gift that I must say thank to my parents every day that I live. Wow…I vow to say thank you to my parents everyday I see them and say “Thank you Daddy, Thank you Mommy, for giving me life. I lived today because of you”

I vow to do this everyday.


I realized that I was so quick to say Thank you that I did not clearly comprehend that today’s game is to  “Thank someone who brings beauty into your life.” Which makes me think “Who brings beauty into my life?”

Who I truly want to thank for the beauty in my life is God.

I thank God for the yellow rays of light that brightens our warm days.

I thank God for the white clouds and blue skies that lift our head up and lifts our spirits.

I thank God for the green grass and sweet scents of colorful flowers that can make us smile.

These are the true beauties in my life that I am grateful for.


~~ Many Blessings to you ~~